Sunday, February 10, 2013

PET & KET Classes Starting This Week

Congratulations to the nearly 100 students who are enrolling the KET and PET preparation course this year. Classes will be starting this week!

This is a schedule and the location of the classes. You should have already received a notice telling you which group you are in. If you are not sure, please speak with Mr. Campbell or Mr. Palomares as soon as possible.

In the next couple of days, we will be posting the course syllabus for you to follow what we're doing!

KET (A2)
  Tuesday       3:00pm-5:00pm     Salón de Inglés
  Wednesday  9:00am-11:00pm   Sala de Idiomas

PET (B1)
  Wednesday  11:00am-1:00pm   Salón de Inglés
  Thursday      9:00am-11:00pm   Salón de Inglés
  Thursday      3:00pm-5:00pm    Aula Interactiva

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ's):
What do I need on the first day?:
Paper, pencil, and your brain

Do I need to pay for the test on the first day of class?
No, check here for details on how much, when, and where to pay.

What if I can't attend the whole class because of club or other activity?
The class schedule is set and cannot be adjusted. You will have to make the decision if you want to attend the preparation course to prepare for the exam or continue with your other activity.

What if I decided I don't want to take the test/class?
Talk with Mr. Campbell or Mr. Palomares as soon as you can so we can disenroll you from the course.

Post by: Michael

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