
The English faculty is composed of 5 dedicated and caring individuals:

Marco Palomares
Department Coordinator & English Teacher
Prof. Marco A. Palomares

    "I have worked at the ESANS since 2008, and I stared teaching when I was practically still a baby. I am proud to work at the Escuela Secundaria Anexa a la Normal Superior de Mexico; since I was a teacher in training at the Normal Superior, it was a dream of mine to work in this prestigious institution.
     Teaching foreign languages and learning about foreign cultures is my passion. I currently teach English as a Foreign Language, but in the past I also taught French here at the Anexa. I studied primarily at the Escuela Normal Superior de México, but I have also studied in Canada and France. Though my professional studies helped me become the teacher I am, I have always believed that I learn most through my students. Sometimes, I think they have taught me more than I have taught them."

Yarenis Sanchez
Profra. Yarenis Sanchez
English Teacher

(comments forthcoming)

Rodrigo Soria
Prof. Rodrigo Soria
English Teacher

"If someone had asked me 8 years ago, I never would have thought that I would become an English teacher; now I can’t imagine myself doing anything else. I started teaching English for the Escuela Secundaria Anexa a la Normal Superior de México on January 16th, 2010, and I dare say that working here through these 3 years has been not only the most challenging thing I’ve ever done in my life but also the most fulfilling so far.
"When I was 17, I fell in love with English. I spent four years studying in courses, and I’ve spent about 9 more years practicing it on my own by watching movies, reading books, and speaking all I can. Then, in 2005, I entered the Escuela Normal Superior de México. While there, I earned a scholarship and spent one fabulous month studying English in Vancouver, Canada. Returning to Mexico, I graduated and after that and started working in a private school. Somehow, I always thought I would end up working for a large company or maybe another kind of school like that but, fortunately, my efforts took me where I am now, and to be honest, I’m nothing but full of pride for being part of one of the best schools in Mexico."

Prof. Carlos Zarzoza

Carlos Zarzoza
English Teacher

I have worked as a teacher at the high school and junior high school levels for 8 years. Since 2010, I’ve been teaching at the ESANS as an English teacher. Here I have had some great experiences, and I am so glad to teach and help our students to be successful in their futures. I am proud to be part of such a distinguished school.Teaching is such a wonderful vocation, because we are always learning. “With my teachers I learned a lot, with my colleagues, more, with my students even more”.

Mary Carmen Baca
Profra. Marycarmen Baca
English Teacher

(comments forthcoming)